The Inner Scorecard (Audiobook)
This is the audio version of The Inner Scorecard, narrated by the author, Olle Lindholm.
If you like listening to the audio, you're on the right page. Like any audiobook, you can download it to your computer, put it on your Android or iPhone and go for a walk.
You set yourself up to fail when you try to beat other people. But going against yourself — trying to improve yourself— now that's a competition you have control over. It's one you can win.
A person with an inner scorecard triumphs over themselves, over their own limitations, and this — even if the margin is small — is the most important victory of all.
Packed with self-improvement strategies, The Inner Scorecard teaches you how to unlock your true potential by living a life true to yourself and your values. It gives you tools and techniques to design your best life and set up healthy rituals and habits that will support your physical and mental well-being.
Do you ever listen to a book and wonder what to do with all the information? Me too. That's why I created a workbook that includes helpful frameworks, exercises, and templates, so that you can make the most of the audiobook.
The Inner Scorecard Audiobook (mp3)